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Apple reveals the iPad mini. It’s ideal if you are have money to throw away and social issues.

2 Nov

So what? What are you gonna do with it buddy? I mean seriously do you have that much money you actually need this thing? Jeez Apple just loves people like you. Apple needs idiots like you more than you realise.

Wireless? I don’t think so.

31 Oct

I have more bloody wires now than ever! WTF?

Smart Phones – just how dumb and anti-social are you?

31 Oct

You don’t need one. Seriously, everyone can manage perfectly well without a so called “smart phone”. You pay a fortune and end up using less than 1% of its potential? What have you done on it that required you to “need” it? Tell me one thing other than make a phone call, or send a text message.  How sad that the next generation are a heads-down generation unable to enjoy life to its fullest and at the mercy of this foul ubiquitous technology.

They call me Victor Meldrew. LOL

26 Oct

Well is that a spade I see or is that a spade I see?

Raspberry Pi – hyperbole or just plain bollox?

26 Oct

Have you seen one of these yetRaspberry Pi?  They are little circuit boards that cost just $35. But the best bit is that for $35 you get  a computer! Sadly though, only if you are a geek are you going to love it. Geeks are literally crawling out of the woodwork all over the UK and getting together in larger geek-groups called “Raspberry Jams” where they hold each others Pi and speak in Pi tongues – it’s creepy I tell ya! The whole thing is scary and worst of all it’s’ total bollox. You spend $35 on it, and then need to buy all the peripherals that for it to work with (monitor, mouse, keyboard etc). I stand to be corrected here but from what I’ve read and heard, apart from potential as a media centre controller – it doesn’t actually do anything. It’s a scam I tell you. I can just hear the geeks screaming at me – “You fool – you know nothing. Look, you can program one of these.”  So what. If you want to learn how to program – use something else that’s actually free, erm, like a free internet tutorial or better still use an old laptop. Anyway, have you got one yet? When you do please let me know when you find a use for it? Someone somewhere is making good cash here. I wish it was me darn it!

Of course I may be missing the point completely. Two things make me stop and hesitate. First of all. China. They are making an alternative.  They know something!  Secondly – Maybe these little Pi s aren’t actually “meant” to do anything. The device can be anything you want it to be!  I feel a Sony Walkman moment coming on…….bye…..

30 Aug

Bahrain, Jan 2012

25 Jan

…..and now we have the stench of teargas everywhere, …but I still love it here. There is still much work to be done to help the animals of Bahrain and therefore I am going nowhere just yet!

The 1st storm of the new season, Bahrain

9 Nov

Storms have passed through leaving a crisp blue sky and the freshest air on the breeze. But there is something not quite right about the scent. The quietness is eerie. There are no birds in the sky, none in my garden, no wildlife, no sound, just a smell on the breeze. Crunchy sand underfoot. But the scent, I have smelt it before and it all came back to me this morning. Belsen – 1974, schol trip. No birds, no life, crisp blue sky, that smell; same smell. Weird.

My dog bit me – hard – nasty pic – don’t look if you are squeamish.

6 Nov

And it was all my stupid fault!  This happened a few months back now but I still can’t forgive myself for letting it happen. I was inbetween him and another dog that some stupid owner had left off the leash..  I should have walked on but instead just stood there as my dog went crazy – red zone – trying to get to other dog that was behind me. I should have walked on but I just stood there shouting and trying to be all alpha male. It happened in a split second. He is in a no kill shelter now – and much happier there too. Me, I’m just so sorry that I let him down. 😦

Smart phones eh?

3 Nov

99.9% fashion item. 0.1% useful.

Seriously, how much of its features do you either

a) know or care about

b) actually find useful?

Me. I don’t have a smart phone. I have a phone that makes and receives phone calls and is capable of texting! 99.9% useful! Bargain.